Paint on grab wire switch not resistant to cleaning procedure
- Customer: Arjan Janssen | 2 Sisters Storteboom
- Problem: Paint on grab wire switch not resistant to cleaning procedure
- Text: Erik Driessen

Supplier of fresh and frozen chicken products
At 2 Sisters Storteboom in Nijkerk, the paint from the grab wire protection switch came off. No desirable situation at a company that must meet the strict requirements that apply within the food industry. A trial with an alternative grab wire switch of fortop solves that problem, says work planner Arjan Jansen of 2 Sisters Storteboom.
Strips, boxes or pieces of chicken fillet
The 23,000 employees of the British 2 Sisters Food Group are working on a range with everything between pizza and pudding and cookies and chicken. 2 Sisters Storteboom - with six branches in the Netherlands and one in Poland - is responsible for that latter production category. The company supplies fresh and frozen chicken products in all shapes and sizes. The slaughterhouses are located in Poland, Kornhorn and Putten. "Every day we receive breast caps from the slaughterhouse in Putten, from which we cut strips, cubes or pieces of chicken fillet," Jansen explains simply the daily process.
For this, thirteen lines have been set up in the modern unit in Nijkerk. Jansen is responsible for ensuring that these machines run six days a week. “The lines are equipped with razor-sharp blades that cut the fillets. Safety for our employees is therefore very important. That is why all lines are equipped with multiple grab wire protections. In the event of the smallest malfunction, employees can immediately stop the machines, ”says Jansen. Read more about machine safety.
Paint disappeared in floor drains
No risky problem, but a solution is required
And it was precisely with the grab wire protection that there was a problem. Not a life-threatening or risky problem, but one for which a solution had to be found. The requirements in the food industry are very high.
The grab wire switch works fine on itself, but due to our cleaning process, the yellow color slowly disappeared.
"The grab wire switch works fine on itself, but due to our cleaning process, the yellow color slowly disappeared. During the day the temperature is between 2 and 4 degrees, but the cleaners spray the work floor and the machines with hot water in the evenings. This released the paint and it disappeared into the pits. Of course, we were looking for a solution to this."

Practice test with plastic grab wire switch
A more or less coincidental question from fortop was therefore called. “Fortop wanted to test a new plastic grab wire protection in practice and contacted us for this. The company had also assisted us before. We immediately installed the grab wire protection and agreed that we would monitor it for a year. That period has since passed and this protection is resistant to the cleaning procedure. Moreover, this solution is equipped with a light that is very practical in the event of a fault. In short, we are very satisfied. "
Jansen also received the supplier of the machines that 2 Sisters Storteboom uses in Nijkerk. Fortop also brought the new grab wire protection to the attention of that company and the supplier wanted to see the situation in practice. 2 Sisters Storteboom will eventually replace all the strings of the thirteen lines for the solution of fortop. Read more about emergency grab wire switches.