Active dynamic and harmonic filters

Disruptions in the energy supply such as harmonics, interharmonics and flicker can lead to inexplicable failure of processes. Most active power quality problems can be solved with active harmonic filters.

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White paper - Active dynamic filters

The development of electronics ensures that compensation techniques are becoming more intelligent. In recent years, we have seen that an active dynamic filter (ADF) is increasingly being used to solve power quality problems. But what is an ADF? Read about it in the white paper 'Active Dynamic Filters'.

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Electronic compensation

With electronic compensation, it is possible to compensate inductive, capacitive and harmonic reactive power. In addition, it is possible to eliminate imbalances in the phase currents. This creates extra power, reduces energy losses and prevents fines and claims.

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Electronic compensation - Static Var Generator - Sinexcel

Insight into disruptions in your power supply with the Power Quality checks by specialists from fortop in only one day!

Steven Hill

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Temporary measurements

Temporary measurements provide immediate insight into the consumption, load and health of (parts of) your electrical installation. Fortop's specialists come by for a day measurement or even an extensive examination of several weeks.

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Power quality specialist - Joeri Kruidhof - fortop energy control

White paper Cos-phi compensation

Improving the cos-phi, or reducing the reactive current, soon makes sense. In addition, compensating the cos-phi has a number of positive side-effects. Which compensation techniques are there and how do we approach this in practice? Read all about it in the Fortop white paper 'Cos-phi compensation'.

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White paper higher harmonics

What is a harmonic? A harmonic is a frequency that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. The fundamental frequency is the lowest (natural) frequency that a system naturally exhibits. An eigenfrequency of a system is a frequency that the system can naturally exhibit.

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White paper - Reduction of reactive power

In every electrical installation, in addition to useful, usable power, there is also power that is not converted effectively into heat, movement or light. This ineffective power is called reactive power. Reactive power places an extra burden on cables, pipes and transformers. The grid operator must transport this reactive power. At the same time, we draw less useful energy from our contracted capacity. What is reactive power, how does it arise and how can we reduce reactive power? You can read the answers to these questions in this white paper.

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White paper - Reduction of reactive power
