Switchgear for wireless networks USB receiver and TCP/IP gateway
Wireless switches in Ethernet networks
Wireless technologies are becoming more and more common throughout industry. For this reason the steute business field Wireless is continually expanding its range of wireless switchgear and controls – as well as the range of ways in which switching devices can be integrated in wireless networks.
Two current examples: At the Hanover Fair steute has presented a bidirectional gateway which enables wireless switchgear to be connected to terminals which communicate via the universal Internet/Ethernet protocol TCP/IP. This gateway can receive and pass on signals from up to 40 sensors. The interface corresponds to the IEEE 802.3 standard, with a transmission rate of 100/10 Mbit/s. It is suitable for use in combination with all wireless switches, sensors and push-buttons in the steute Wireless range.
USB receiver
Also new is a USB receiver which connects industrial PCs and other USB master devices to wireless switchgear. The gateway provides a bidirectional wireless communication and a bidirectional interface via USB. Signals from the steute wireless technologies sWave 868® and sWave 915® are transmitted and received via an externally connected USB host. Configuration takes place via a user-friendly PC screen. Alternatively, the device can also be configured as a repeater.
Via a driver the wireless switching devices can be connected to the computer in question through the Virtual COM Port (VCP) using »Plug and play«. These two new possibilities represent additional ways in which wireless switching devices can be used, while their integration in superior control systems has been simplified.